Um conjunto de guitarras possantes com riffs doom, sludge e solos com
influências de blues que acompanham vocalizações limpas e melódicas (por vezes,
reminiscentes de bandas como Kyuss), fazem parte da receita de Bright Curse
para a criação de um doom metal com influências blues e de desert rock.
O seu segundo disco de originais intitulado Time of The healer foi lançado
este ano e é composto por 5 temas. A inclusão de flauta e trompete nas composições
demarcam o seu som de muitas outras bandas que se movem pelos mesmos géneros
Perguntámos a Romain Daut, o guitarrista e vocalista de Bright Curse as
suas recomendações para 5 livros, 5 discos, 5 filmes. Aqui ficam as suas
- Elephant whisperer, Lawrence Anthony
- Factotum, Charles Bukowski
- The Tao of pooh, Benjamin Hoff
- Jesus son, Denis Johnson
- After Dark, Haruki Murakami
Menção honrosa:
- Petit Pays, Gael Faye
- Kind of Blue, Miles Davis
- The Alchemist, Witchcraft
- As I am, Bill Withers
- Good kid m.a.a.d City, Kendrick Lamar
- Strange Days, The Doors
- Meddle, Pink Floyd
- Graveyard, Graveyard
- Mélodie Nelson, Serge Gainsbourg
- Le péril Jeune, Cédric Klapish
- Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Terry Gilliam
- Natural Born Killers, Oliver Stone
- Mononoke Hime, Hayao Miyazaki
- The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou and overall Wes Anderson

A set of powerful guitars that play doom and sludge inspired riffs with blues influences that accompanies clean and melodic vocals (reminiscent of bands like Kyuss) are part of the recipe of Bright Curse to create a doom metal with blues and desert rock leanings.
Their second LP titled Time of The healer was released this year and is composed of 5 songs. The inclusion of flute and trumpet on the songs make their sound a stand out among the rest of the bands that play and dabble on the same music genres.
We asked Romain Daut, the vocalist and guitarist of Bright Curse, his recommendations for 5 books, 5 records, 5 films. Here are his answers:
- Elephant whisperer, Lawrence Anthony
- Factotum, Charles Bukowski
- The Tao of pooh, Benjamin Hoff
- Jesus son, Denis Johnson
- After Dark, Haruki Murakami
Honorable mention:
- Petit Pays, Gael Faye
- Kind of Blue, Miles Davis
- The Alchemist, Witchcraft
- As I am, Bill Withers
- Good kid m.a.a.d City, Kendrick Lamar
- Strange Days, The Doors
- Meddle, Pink Floyd
- Graveyard, Graveyard
- Mélodie Nelson, Serge Gainsbourg
- Le péril Jeune, Cédric Klapish
- Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Terry Gilliam
- Natural Born Killers, Oliver Stone
- Mononoke Hime, Hayao Miyazaki
- The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou and overall Wes Anderson
Tradução | Translation: CLÁUDIA ZAFRE
Escolhas | Choices: ROMAIN DAUT