imagem de: Anders Carlström e Jakob Berglund (2018) O lado mais negro das nossas emoções, o nosso lado sombra deu origem ao longo d...

Bagagem de A Swarm Of The Sun: 5 livros, 5 discos, 5 filmes/séries

imagem de: Anders Carlström e Jakob Berglund (2018)

O lado mais negro das nossas emoções, o nosso lado sombra deu origem ao longo dos séculos a inúmeras obras de beleza incontestável. São essas emoções, das quais muitas vezes tentamos fugir, recalcar, ignorar ou esconder, que provam ser um dos melhores veículos criativos. Obras soturnas, melancólicas, trágicas que nos comovem e mostram que outros tiveram experiências semelhantes às nossas e que não estamos sozinhos, nunca estivemos nem vamos estar.

A Swarm of the Sun é uma banda sueca que editou recentemente o seu terceiro LP de originais intitulado The Woods composto por três temas de duração acima dos dez minutos que nos envolvem e fazem caminhar por paisagens em ruínas, particularmente pós-apocalípticas num jogo misto de luzes e sombras.

Apesar da melancolia evidente, existem passagens verdadeiramente majestosas que nos dão sentimentos de esperança e reconstrução emocional. Passagens ora calmas, ora mais tempestuosas, criam um mosaico de post-rock e sludge atmosférico que nos convidam a mergulhar nos recessos do nosso imaginário visual. The Woods é cinemático.

Fascinados por The Woods perguntámos ao duo composto por Jakob Berglund (voz) e Erik Nilsson (guitarra/piano), as suas preferências para 5 livros, 5 discos, 5 filmes/séries e aqui estão elas:

Livros (Jakob):
- Doktor Glas, Hjalmar Söderberg
- The Little Friend, Donna Tartt
- Dvärgen, Pär Lagerkvist
- What I Talk About When I Talk About Running, Haruki Murakami
- Kallocain, Karin Boye

Discos (Jakob):
- The Downward Spiral, Nine Inch Nails
- Come On Die Young, Mogwai
- Trust, Low
- The Hours OST, Philip Glass
- Substrata, Biosphere

Filmes (Jakob):
- Inland Empire, David Lynch
- The Shining, Stanley Kubrick
- Wuthering Heights, Andrea Arnold
- Orlando, Sally Potter
- Dog Star Man, Stan Brakhage

Livros: (Erik)

Discos: (Erik)
- The Fountain OST, Clint Mansell
- A Sunset Panorama, Logh
- Frengers, Mew
- The Downward Spiral, Nine Inch Nails
- Born Into Trouble As The Sparks Fly Upward, A Silver Mt. Zion

Filmes: (Erik)
- Rosemary's Baby, Roman Polanski
- The Shining, Stanley Kubrick
- Alien, Ridley Scott
- Room, Lenny Abrahamson
- King of Kong, Seth Gordon


The Woods album cover

The darkest side of our emotions, our shadow side has during the centuries giving birth to countless works of unquestionable beauty. It’s those emotions that we seldom run from, ignore or hide that prove to be one of the best creative vessels. Works that are grim, melancholic, tragic that touch us and show us that others have had similar experiences to our own and that we are not alone, never were and never will be.

A Swarm of The Sun is a Swedish band that recently released their third LP called The Woods comprised of three songs with duration above ten minutes that envelop us and make us walk through ruined landscapes, particularly post-apocalyptic in a game of lights and shadows.

Despite the evident melancholy, there are truly majestic passages that give us feeling of hope and emotional reconstruction. Passages that are either calm or tempestuous create a mosaic of post-rock and atmospheric sludge that invite us to dive in the hidden recesses of our visual imaginary. The Woods is cinematic.

Fascinated by The Woods we asked the duo formed by Jakob Berglund (vocals) and Erik Nilsson (guitar and piano) they preferences for 5 books, 5 records, 5 films/TV shows and here they are:

Books: (Jakob)
- Doktor Glas, Hjalmar Söderberg
- The Little Friend, Donna Tartt
- Dvärgen, Pär Lagerkvist
- What I Talk About When I Talk About Running, Haruki Murakami
- Kallocain, Karin Boye

Records: (Jakob)
- The Downward Spiral, Nine Inch Nails
- Come On Die Young, Mogwai
- Trust, Low
- The Hours OST, Philip Glass
- Substrata, Biosphere

Films: (Jakob)
- Inland Empire, David Lynch
- The Shining, Stanley Kubrick
- Wuthering Heights, Andrea Arnold
- Orlando, Sally Potter
- Dog Star Man, Stan Brakhage

Books: (Erik)

Records: (Erik)
- The Fountain OST, Clint Mansell
- A Sunset Panorama, Logh
- Frengers, Mew
- The Downward Spiral, Nine Inch Nails
- Born Into Trouble As The Sparks Fly Upward, A Silver Mt. Zion

Films: (Erik)
- Rosemary's Baby, Roman Polanski
- The Shining, Stanley Kubrick- Alien, Ridley Scott
- Room, Lenny Abrahamson
- King of Kong, Seth Gordon 

Texto | Text: Cláudia Zafre
Tradução | Translation: Cláudia Zafre
Escolhas | Choices: Jakob Berglund & Erik Nilsson (A Swarm Of The Sun)