Quando ouvimos Point Blank Termination, o mais recente disco da banda de São Petersburgo, Infiltration, somos imediatamente transportados para o som puro e avassalador do death metal purista e com muito groove dos anos 90.
Fiéis a essas raízes, essa fidelidade continua a soar verdadeira e cada vez mais legítima, actuando como um perfeito catalisador sónico para inquietudes, ansiedades e frustrações. São 8 temas de pura catarse musical para os fãs mais obstinados de death metal tradicional que não teme ser inventivo.
Somos obliterados pelo groove maníaco em Collateral Damage ou os riffs explosivos e catchy em Radiation Storm. Todo o conceito do álbum que engloba a imagética da capa, os temas das líricas e as composições fazem jus ao nome da banda, Infiltration, pois somos infiltrados por um sentimento de estarmos no meio de uma catástrofe nuclear.
Avassalador e com uma sensação de caos, Point Blank Termination assume o seu poder como um longa-duração de death metal que agradará a fãs de bandas como Bolt Thrower. É o mais recente disco de Infiltration que nasceu em 2017 e que juntou músicos de outras bandas, tais como Free at Last, Hellbomb, Chamber of Torture, Katalepsy e Abnormal. Infiltration partilhou palcos com bandas como Cannibal Corpse, Carcass, Suffocation, Broken Hope, Destroyer 666, Necrophobic, Napalm Death e Decapitated.
Perguntámos aos Infiltration as suas principais referências para 5 livros, 5 discos, 5 filmes/séries e aqui estão:
Andrey (Baixo, compositor)
- Master and Margarita, Mikhail Bulgakov
- 1984, George Orwell
- Lord of the Rings, J. R. R. Tolkien
- At the Mountains of Madness, H. P. Lovecraft
- Hard to Be a God, Arkady and Boris Strugatsky
- Hell Awaits, Slayer
- Bloodthirst, Cannibal Corpse
- Domination, Morbid Angel,
- Bastards, Motorhead
- Inside the Torn Apart, Napalm Death
- The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, Sergio Leone
- Matrix, Wachowski
- Terminator 1-2, James Cameron
- Blade Runner 2049, Denis Villeneuve
- The IT Crowd, Graham Linehan
Paul (Voz, letras)
- Corsican honor, William Heffernan
- In her Defense, by Stephen Horn - The keepsake,Tess Gerritsen
- Qualquer livro do Dean Koontz (não consigo escolher)
- Ainda por ler...
(As minhas escolhas estão sempre a mudar porque há artistas incríveis que eu gosto bastante, desde old-school hip hop, hardcore de NY, Thrash e Death Metal até Johnny Cash)
- Chamber of one, Dearly Beheaded
- Armageddon March Eternal, the symphonies of the slit wrists, The Project Hate MCMXCIX
- Butchered at birth, Cannibal Corpse
- Follow the leader, Korn
- Tical 2000: Judgement day, Method Man
e QUALQUER COISA de Slayer, Black Sabbath, Pantera
- Twin Peaks, Mark Frost e David Lynch
- Dr. House, David Shore
- Homicide: Life on the street, Paul Attanasio
- Chernobyl, Craig Mazin
- The Terminator 1 and 2, James Cameron
- Alien, Riddley Scott
- Casino, Martin Scorcese
- Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Terry Gilliam
- The Thing, John Carpenter

As we listen to Point Blank Termination, the latest album from Infiltration(Saint- Petersburg – Russia) we are immediately launched back to the pure and crushing sound of death metal from the 90’s.
Faithful to those roots, that fidelity still sounds true and very much legit, acting as a perfect sonic catalyser that flushes out anxieties and frustrations. These are 8 themes of pure musical catharsis for the most obstinate fans of traditional death metal that does not fear to innovate.
We are obliterated by the maniac groove in Collateral Damage or the explosive and addictive riffs present in Radiation Storm. The general concept that includes the art work, the lyrics and the compositions stay true to the band’s name, Infiltration, since we are infiltrated by a sense of alienness, of being trapped or in the midst of a nuclear catastrophe.
Colossal and with a sense of somewhat controlled chaos, Point Blank Termination assumes its power as a death metal LP that will thrill fans of bands like Bolt Thrower. It’s the latest album by Infiltration that was formed in 2017 and that joined musicians from several bands like Free at Last, Hellbomb, Chamber of Torture, Katalepsy and Abnormal. Infiltration also shared stages with bands such as Cannibal Corpse, Carcass, Suffocation, Broken Hope, Destroyer 666, Necrophobic, Napalm Death e Decapitated.
We asked this band about their references for 5 books, 5 records, 5 films/TV shows and here they are:
Andrey (bass guitar, songwriter)
- Master and Margarita, Mikhail Bulgakov
- 1984, George Orwell
- Lord of the Rings, J. R. R. Tolkien
- At the Mountains of Madness, H. P. Lovecraft
- Hard to Be a God, Arkady and Boris Strugatsky
- Hell Awaits, Slayer
- Bloodthirst, Cannibal Corpse
- Domination, Morbid Angel,
- Bastards, Motorhead
- Inside the Torn Apart, Napalm Death
Films/Tv Shows:
- The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, Sergio Leone
- Matrix, Wachowski
- Terminator 1-2, James Cameron
- Blade Runner 2049, Denis Villeneuve
- The IT Crowd, Graham Linehan
Paul (Vocals, lyrics)
- Corsican honor, William Heffernan
- In her Defense, by Stephen Horn - The keepsake,Tess Gerritsen
- Any book by Dean Koontz (can't pick one)
- Yet to read...
(It's a subject to change at any given day though as there are so many incredible artists that i hold in the highest regard! from the old-school hip-hop, to NY hard-core, to Thrash and Death metal to Johnny Cash)- Chamber of one, Dearly Beheaded
- Armageddon March Eternal, the symphonies of the slit wrists, The Project Hate MCMXCIX
- Butchered at birth, Cannibal Corpse
- Follow the leader, Korn
- Tical 2000: Judgement day, Method Man
plus ANYTHING by Slayer, Black Sabbath, Pantera
Tv Shows:
- Twin Peaks, Mark Frost e David Lynch
- Dr. House, David Shore
- Homicide: Life on the street, Paul Attanasio
- Chernobyl, Craig Mazin
- The Terminator 1 and 2, James Cameron
- Alien, Riddley Scott
- Casino, Martin Scorcese
- Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Terry Gilliam
- The Thing, John Carpenter
Texto | Text: Cláudia Zafre
Escolhas | Choices: Infiltration (Andrey, Paul)